Package com.fasterxml.uuid

Package that contains core (non-optional) Java UUID Generator API classes.


Class Summary
EthernetAddress EthernetAddress encapsulates the 6-byte MAC address defined in IEEE 802.1 standard.
Generators Root factory class for constructing UUID generators.
Jug Simple command-line interface to UUID generation functionality.
Logger This is the simple logging interface used by JUG package.
NoArgGenerator Intermediate base class for UUID generators that do not take arguments for individual calls.
StringArgGenerator Intermediate base class for UUID generators that take one String argument for individual calls.
TimestampSynchronizer This is the API for utility classes optionally used by UUIDTimer to ensure that timestamp values used for generating time/location-based UUIDs are monotonically increasing, as well as that only one such generator is ever used on a single system, even in presence of multiple JVMs.
UUIDComparator Default UUID comparator is not very useful, since it just does blind byte-by-byte comparison which does not work well for time+location - based UUIDs.
UUIDGenerator Minimal "tag" base class from which all generator implementations derive.
UUIDTimer UUIDTimer produces the time stamps required for time-based UUIDs.

Enum Summary
UUIDType Enumeration of different flavors of UUIDs: 5 specified by specs (RFC-4122) and one virtual entry ("UNKNOWN") to represent invalid one that consists of all zero bites

Package com.fasterxml.uuid Description

Package that contains core (non-optional) Java UUID Generator API classes. Implementation classes can be found from under com.fasterxml.uuid.impl. These classes should be usable on JDK 1.4 and up, and have no external dependencies; except that any functionality that uses Ethernet-address discovery requires JDK 1.6.

The primary point is Generators, used to construct actual generators, based on method to use and some optional arguments.

Note: earlier JUG versions (up to 2.0) supported older JDKs (1.1); 1.4 is now needed since UUID is used as a core abstraction.

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